World Social Media Day: A Celebration of Human Connection

June 30th, World Social Media Day, a global celebration of the power of social media to connect people from all over the world. Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it has changed the way we communicate, learn, and share information. 

On this day, we can take a moment to reflect on the positive impact that social media has had on our world. Social media has helped us to stay connected with friends and family who live far away. It has given us a platform to share our thoughts and ideas with a wider audience. And it has allowed us to learn about different cultures and perspectives. 

Of course, social media is not without its challenges. It can be a breeding ground for misinformation and hate speech. And it can be addictive, leading to problems such as social isolation and anxiety. 

But overall, social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good. On World Social Media Day, let’s celebrate the ways in which social media has brought us closer together and made the world a smaller place. 

Here are some ways to celebrate World Social Media Day: 

  1. Connect with friends and family. Use social media to stay in touch with the people who matter most to you. Share photos, videos, and updates about your life.
  2. Learn about different cultures. Follow accounts that share content from around the world. Learn about different languages, customs, and traditions. 
  3. Give back to your community. Use social media to raise awareness about important issues. Donate to charities or volunteer your time. 
  4. Be positive and supportive. Social media can be a great place to spread positivity and support. Be kind to others and offer encouragement. 

Let’s all make World Social Media Day a day to celebrate the power of human connection! 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

Monolith Application: An Overview of Advantages and Disadvantages

Monolithic architecture is a traditional approach to building software applications that have been around for decades. It involves creating an application as a single unit, with all the different components tightly coupled and dependent on each other. While monolithic applications were once the norm, they are now being replaced by newer microservices architectures. However, monolithic applications still have their place, and in this blog, we will explore what a monolith is, its advantages, and disadvantages, and when it might be the right choice for your organization. 

What is a Monolith Application? 

A monolith application is a software application built as a single unit. It consists of a front-end, back-end, and database, all integrated into one codebase. All components of the application are tightly coupled, and any changes made to one component require changes to the entire application. Monolith applications can be written in any programming language and can be deployed to any environment. 

Advantages of Monolith Applications 

⦾ Simplicity: Monolithic architecture is simple and easy to understand. Since all components are integrated, it is easy to maintain and manage the application. 

⦾ Robustness: Monoliths are robust and stable. They have been around for a long time and have been tried and tested, making them a reliable choice. 

⦾ Security: Monoliths are easier to secure than microservices since they have a single point of entry. This makes it easier to protect against attacks and vulnerabilities. 

⦾ Cost-effective: Monoliths are more cost-effective than microservices since they require less infrastructure and are easier to deploy and manage. 

Disadvantages of Monolith Applications 

⦾ Scalability: Monolithic applications are difficult to scale since all components are tightly coupled. This means that as the application grows, it becomes harder to add more resources to the system. 

⦾ Flexibility: Monoliths lack flexibility since all components are tightly coupled. This means that any changes to one component require changes to the entire application. 

⦾ Deployment: Monoliths require the entire application to be deployed at once, making it difficult to deploy new features or updates without disrupting the entire application. 

⦾ Maintenance: Monoliths can be difficult to maintain and update, especially as the application grows in size and complexity. 

When to Choose a Monolith Application? 

While monolithic architecture has its limitations, there are still situations where it might be the right choice for your organization. For example, if you have a small application with a limited number of components and a small team, a monolith might be simpler and easier to manage. Also, if your application is unlikely to change in the future and has a predictable workload, a monolith might be a good choice. Additionally, if you have a legacy application that is difficult to maintain and update, a monolith might be the simplest solution. 


A monolith application is a traditional approach to building software applications that have been around for decades. While monoliths have their advantages, including simplicity, robustness, security, and cost-effectiveness, they also have their limitations, including scalability, flexibility, deployment, and maintenance. However, there are still situations where a monolith might be the right choice for your organization, such as if you have a small application with a limited number of components or a legacy application that is difficult to maintain and update. Ultimately, the choice between a monolith and a microservices architecture depends on the specific needs and goals of your organization. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

DevOps: An Overview of Development and Operations Collaboration

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need to be agile and responsive to changing market demands to stay competitive. This means that software development teams must deliver high-quality software quickly and continuously. This is where DevOps comes in, a methodology that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and integration between development and operations teams. In this blog, we will explore what DevOps is, its benefits, and best practices to implement DevOps in your organization. 

What is DevOps? 

DevOps is a set of practices and principles that aim to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. The goal is to create a culture of collaboration, where developers and operations work together to deliver software more efficiently, reliably, and quickly. DevOps combines development and operations processes, tools, and methodologies to reduce inefficiencies and improve software quality. 

Benefits of DevOps 

Adopting DevOps can bring many benefits to your organization, including: 

» Faster Time to Market: DevOps allows teams to release software faster and more frequently, reducing the time it takes to get new features to users. 

» Improved Quality: With DevOps, automated testing and continuous integration can ensure that software is tested and validated at every stage of development, resulting in higher quality software. 

» Increased Efficiency: DevOps automates repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort, and eliminating human error, making development and operations teams more productive. 

» Better Collaboration: DevOps promotes collaboration between teams and departments, breaking down silos, and fostering a culture of shared responsibility. 

» Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: With faster release cycles, higher-quality software, and better collaboration, DevOps can lead to more satisfied customers. 

DevOps Best Practices 

Here are some best practices to help you implement DevOps in your organization: 

» Automation: Automate as many processes as possible, from testing to deployment. This saves time, reduces errors, and ensures consistency.

» Continuous Integration and Deployment: Implement a continuous integration and deployment pipeline to automate the software delivery process, reducing manual effort, and improving release frequency. 

» Infrastructure as Code: Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to define and manage your infrastructure. This helps to ensure consistency and repeatability and reduces the risk of errors caused by manual configuration. 

» Monitoring and Feedback: Monitor software performance and user feedback, and use this information to continuously improve the software and the development process. 

» Culture of Collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams, and encourage shared responsibility for delivering high-quality software. 


DevOps is a methodology that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and integration between development and operations teams. It brings many benefits, including faster time to market, improved quality, increased efficiency, better collaboration, and enhanced customer satisfaction. By following best practices such as automation, continuous integration and deployment, infrastructure as code, monitoring and feedback, and fostering a culture of collaboration, you can implement DevOps in your organization and reap its benefits. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

The Importance of World Backup Day

World Backup Day is a reminder of the importance of backing up your data. It’s a day to take stock of your digital life and ensure that you’re protecting your valuable information. 

Backups are essential because they protect you against data loss. Data loss can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as hardware failure, natural disasters, cyberattacks, and human error. Losing your data can be a devastating experience, especially if you haven’t backed it up. 

Here are some reasons why backups are important: 

Protect Against Data Loss 

Backups protect you against data loss. If you have a backup of your data, you can easily restore it if something goes wrong. This is especially important for businesses that rely on their data to operate. 

Save Time and Money 

Backing up your data can save you time and money. If you lose your data and don’t have a backup, you may need to spend time and money to recover it. This can be a costly and time-consuming process. 

Peace of Mind 

Backups provide peace of mind. Knowing that your data is backed up can help you feel more secure and confident in your digital life. You don’t have to worry about losing your data or starting from scratch if something goes wrong. 

How to Backup Your Data 

There are many ways to backup your data. Here are some options: 

  • External Hard Drive: You can backup your data to an external hard drive. This is a simple and affordable option. 
  • Cloud Storage: You can also backup your data to a cloud storage service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. This option is convenient and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. 
  • Backup Software: There are many backup software options available, such as Acronis True Image and EaseUS Todo Backup. These options offer advanced features and customization. 


In conclusion, backups are essential for protecting your data and ensuring that you can recover it if something goes wrong. World Backup Day is a reminder to take stock of your digital life and ensure that you’re protecting your valuable information. So take the time to backup your data today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is safe and secure. 


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

Introducing Microsoft 365 Privacy Management, which simplifies the difficulty.

The regulation landscape of data privacy is more complicated than ever. With new laws emerging in China and India, changes in Europe and the United Kingdom, and now 26 different laws across the United States, staying ahead of regulations may seem tough.

Privacy Management for Microsoft 365: Introduction

Microsoft 365 Privacy Management is now publicly available to help businesses protect personal data and create a privacy-resilient workplace. Privacy Management for Microsoft 365 provides automatic end-to-end visibility of privacy issues at scale, cheers to role-based access controls and data that is de-identified by default.


  1. Identify critical privacy risks and conflicts: Finding where personal data is stored, especially in an unstructured setting, is one of the most difficult aspects of protecting privacy. Most businesses still rely on inefficient and costly manual processes to maintain data inventory and mapping, mostly via email, spreadsheets, and in-person communication. By employing data classification and user mapping expertise, Privacy Management automatically and continuously assists clients in discovering where and how much private data is stored in their Microsoft 365 environments. An aggregated view of an organization’s privacy posture is viewable, including the amount, type, and location of private data, as well as associated privacy risks and trends over time.
  2. Automate privacy operations and response to subject rights requests: Privacy Management correlates data signals across the Microsoft 365 suite of solutions to provide actionable insights that enable privacy administrators to automate privacy policies using an out-of-the-box template—data transfers, data minimization, data overexposure, and subject-rights request management—or create a custom policy to meet an organization’s unique needs.
  3. Empower employees to make smart data handling decisions: You must educate your employees on how to handle data responsibly in order to create a privacy-resilient culture. Administrators may automate privacy regulations and protect sensitive data with the help of Privacy Management, which provides insights and contexts. Furthermore, data owners are offered recommended actions, training, and suggestions to help them make wise data-handling decisions, removing the need to choose between privacy and productivity.


Figure 1: Overview dashboard showcasing privacy risks and trends.

It’s a journey to achieve privacy.

Customers can purchase Privacy Management for Microsoft 365 as an add-on to their Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription. You can use the free 90-day trial to get started with Privacy Management. Get more information by mailing us at


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.

Prepare yourself: hybrid work is difficult. Here’s how Office 365 and Microsoft Teams can assist.

Due to the pandemic, the work environment of every industry changed, the shift to remote work lasted about 15+ months. To understand this impact Microsoft conducted regular research and study among their customers and employees. As per their recent work trend survey report, indicating that in a year they send 160,000 people to work at home and onboarded 25,000 new employees, and the percentage went high in history 90%.

There’s no guarantee that the trend will continue in the increasingly complex world of hybrid work. For one thing, employee expectations have changed. According to last year’s Work Trend Index report, 73 percent of employees want the option to work remotely, but 67 percent want more in-person engagement. Without any preparation, dealing with this hybrid work paradox will be challenging.

Microsoft continues to invest in hybrid innovation as we all learn and share practical advice. Check out the new features in Microsoft Teams and Office 365 designed to help your employees no matter where they work meet their diverse work needs.

Designed for all, not just onsite attendees

 Microsoft introduced new features in June aimed at supporting inclusive hybrid meetings, including a front row for Teams Rooms, a revised Teams experience on Surface Hub, and an updated Microsoft Whiteboard that allows visual participation even if you’re not physically in the same room. With the introduction of a new category of intelligent cameras, Microsoft is ushering in the next phase of Teams Rooms innovation. This new generation of intelligent cameras is powered by three distinct technologies:

  1. AI-powered active speaker tracking, enabling in-room cameras to use audio, facial movements, and gestures to detect who in the room is speaking, zooming in for a closer perspective.
  2. Multiple video streams that allow in-room participants to be placed in their own video pane.
  3. People recognition, which will identify and display the profile name of enrolled users within their video pane.

You can create more equal meeting experiences where everyone feels visible and represented when intelligent cameras are used with Dynamic View in Teams. Teams modify various features of the meeting as individuals join it, so distant members can see the room and information well, and industry-leading partners including Jabra, Neat, Poly, and Yealink, these features will be available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the coming months and rolled out as updates over the course of the next year.

Office environments that are meant for everyone, not only in-person attendance

Microsoft is improving companion mode in Teams mobile to give in-room attendees easy access to engagement tools like chat, live reactions, and Microsoft Whiteboard, allowing them to contribute more dynamically. They’re also making it easy to access meeting and device controls, such as joining a meeting, casting a PowerPoint, muting the room, turning on and off room cameras, and more. In the coming months, the improved companion mode experience will be accessible.

It will also be simpler to organize meetings and collaborate. New features in Outlook track when and where teammates are working, as well as how they will participate in meetings. Working hours have been modified to allow you to enter work schedule details right in your calendar, letting people know when and where you’ll be working. People can now indicate whether they will attend a meeting in person or online, allowing meeting planners to better prepare by scheduling space with video conferencing capabilities or bringing a speaker pack. Early next year, Outlook will begin bringing out new hybrid work experiences.

People may find and reserve flexible workplaces in the office using the hot desking experience on Microsoft Teams displays. Access your own Teams calendar, chats, meetings, and more by booking space from your smartphone or in advance using Outlook or Teams. When hot-desking, team displays can be used as a standalone device or as a second screen, and all personal information is deleted from the device after signing out. By the end of 2021, Lenovo ThinkSmart view is planned to offer this experience.

Remote meetings that are just as effective as face-to-face meetings

 Many people used to prefer to deliver crucial presentations in person, but we’re investing to make remote presentations as successful and immersive as possible. Hybrid presentations aren’t only about providing knowledge; they also use nonverbal social cues like facial reactions and gestures to engage the audience. Cameo is a unique PowerPoint experience that combines your Teams camera stream seamlessly into your presentation, allowing you to select how and where it appears on your slides and providing layout ideas for optimal viewing. Use PowerPoint Live in Teams for an immersive remote presentation when it’s time to present. Cameo will be available in early 2022.

Speaker coach in Microsoft Teams uses AI to privately provide guidance on your speed, tell you if you are interrupting someone, and remind you to check in with your audience as we try to create an inclusive hybrid work culture where all voices can be heard. Speaker coach will be accessible in Microsoft Teams in early 2022.

The most recent automated Even in low-light situations, lighting modifications will make you seem good in video-on meetings. In the next months, lighting corrections will be accessible.

Let lose work area space at home or in the workplace and get clear strong quality for gatherings with the new Logi Dock. This docking station has an implicit speakerphone with contact controls, intended to work flawlessly with Teams. With a tad of a button, you can join Teams gatherings, change your sound, and then some. Logi Dock will be accessible in the coming months.

Stay in the progression of work with Microsoft Teams

 Adaptability comes from realizing that regardless of where you work from, you are associated with your partners and work. The most recent developments in Teams bring your #1 applications and encounters together to assist you with staying productive, centered and associated in half-breed work.

With Microsoft Teams gatherings and calls coming to Apple CarPlay, you would now be able to join Teams gatherings and settle on decisions sans hands out and about utilizing Siri.

Microsoft Viva brings correspondence, information, experiences, and learning into the progression of work. With Viva Connections, you can remain educated regarding organization news and assets straightforwardly from Teams. You can discover customized declarations, organization discussions, and a dashboard of assets for activities like presenting a day-by-day wellbeing check or cost reports. Now, Viva Connections mobile app will be available in preview.

By using Apps in Teams meetings you will empower a more engaging and productive collaboration experience. App content can now be shared and interacted with life during meetings, enabling visualizations such as real-time visual problem solving and brainstorming. With Miro, MURAL, Lucidspark, Freehand, and many more to come, you can get started right away.

While hybrid work is exciting, it will be a challenge for every leader and organization. Organizations that embrace the change and incorporate flexibility into their operating models will foster a more inclusive work environment. Microsoft is committed to fostering a hybrid work culture where flexibility leads the way – giving customers and employees the power to work from anywhere, anytime, and take control of their personal development and wellbeing.


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.

Maritime Surveys: Problems Vs Cybersmart

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed many international conventions to protect the safety of the crew, cargo, and the environment. Nonetheless maritime accidents still happen resulting in losses of lives, property, and damage to the marine environment.

The main reasons for these accidents include:

  1. human error,
  2. ageing ships,
  3. improper maintenance on board ships to reduce costs,
  4. increasing lack of experienced crew due to shortage of trained manpower and non-compliance with minimum international safety standard.


According to the European Maritime Safety Administration’s Annual Overview of Maritime Casualties and Incidents 2020 report: The total number of reported marine casualties and incidents over the period 2014-2019 is 19418. These incidents led to 493 very serious casualties, 496 fatalities and 6210 persons injured. This data combined with decades of maritime related serious environmental disasters, latest being the Oil spill from Crimson Polaris that had about 1,550 metric tonnes of heavy oil and about 130 metric tonnes of diesel oil on board.

Despite strict controls by classification societies, flag states, port state controls, insurers and brokers, inferior ships continue to operate and pose serious risks to human life and the environment. This is illustrated by the ship detention records recorded annually in the annual reports of all MOUs and the U.S. Coast Guard. Port state control is not a substitute for effective flag state control and by itself it is unlikely that inferior ships will be eliminated. The existence of inferior ships calls into question the way in which the condition of ships is checked, recorded and shared among stakeholders by port and flag states.

In this blog we focus on the critical role of ship inspection and data sharing in improving safety and environmental protection at sea. Various Inspection like, Annual Flag State Safety Inspection, Port State Control (PSC) Inspections, Classification Society Routine Inspections, Owners/ Charterers/ Insurance Vessel Condition Inspection, have been the primary mode to ascertain condition of vessel and the data collected forms the basis of many important decisions within the industry which has serious implication for Safety of life at Sea and the Maritime Environment.

Investigation reports into various Maritime Accidents as compiled on IMO GISIS points to human error – related to quality control and inspections – as one of the leading contributing factors. The below table shows the leading factors for ship deficiency as recorded under Paris MOU annual report for the year 2020.



Source: Paris MOU Annual Report 2020, P 45

Fire Safety and Safety of Navigation being the top categories of deficiencies underscores the importance of precise recording, reporting, data access for reference and follow up across jurisdictions to avoid impending loss of life and potential marine pollution. This record of deficiencies together with the recurring nature of maritime accidents begs for a deeper analysis and understanding of the tools, methods and process in place.

 Common pain points of a Manual Technical Survey include:

  1. Loss of life and irreparable environmental damage due to the manual surveying and control methods used in the shipping industry for centuries.
  2. On an average it takes up to seven days of planning, liaison with various parties and physical survey for each vessel to produces PDF reports like the ones below that usually sits dormant in PDF files.
  3. Historical data on ship conditions and defects are incomprehensible (static PDF reports). The lack of precise data often leads to incorrectly calculated political decisions. One such example is the PSC inspection report for all MOUs in PDF format with little or no follow-up to the deficiencies found. As soon as a ship is allowed to sail after a warning and recommendation from a PSC officer, the written text in PDF files is seldom detailed in the existing online data exchange systems (e.g., Equasis and Paris MOU detention list) which provides a brief on the vessel detention.
  4. In addition, much of the critical ship inspection information is lost due to its non-digital nature which inherits easy sharing and is prone to misunderstanding when read by other participating port state administrations. This practice sometimes results in substandard ships failing to meet regulatory requirements.

There are several important factors that deserve attention and improvement; We need a solution to address the problem of human error and data loss and to improve the currently mostly manual format of inspection and PDF-based reporting that is practiced in the maritime industry.

 Cyber Smart – The Solution!

Solving this problem of dangerous oversight, human error and data loss in the shipping industry through Cyber Smart – a web and mobile-based e-survey platform that ensures that inspection authorities are equipped with a digital survey tool that enables them to digitally transmit the survey data an app.

Cyber Smart – A Web and Mobile Application for Survey Planning, Conduct of Survey, Survey Report Generation. It is an advanced format agnostic SaaS platform taking data collection and analysis to the next level. It leverages the most advanced cloud computing infrastructure running our proprietary algorithm to spin out trends, using both collected and historical data.

We use our proprietary algorithm and the most advanced cloud computing infrastructure to generate trends from collected and historical data. The platform is revolutionizing the way inspections are performed in the shipping industry and has the potential to revolutionize data collection and analysis across industries. This mobile application is more suitable for Surveyors as there are no physical documents involved to delay the process.

Why choose Cyber Smart?

  1. Ground Surveyor uses mobile app to collect data while onboard the ship, our mobile application allows users to achieve the highest degree of digital visualization and offers the capability of collecting all types of data.
  2. One click report generation in any format. Time and effort saved.
  3. More time to focus on the critical check items that matter, thus reducing the human error that contributes to 58% of Marine incidents.
  4. Consolidation of crucial data sets through smart analytics to inform sectoral policy formulation
  5. Better protection of Marine environment and life at sea through advanced pre-emptive maintenance of vessel thus avoiding shipping related environmental disasters.


Features of Cyber Smart:

  1. The Web based version of CyberSmart positions the users to access survey data, monitor deficiency trends through customised data analytics and to extract key reports in all required format – this feature allows for seamless integration with the present system in place. CyberSmart takes away the human error element in recording of key survey data and can generate customised reports through a mouse-click.
  2. Our Mobile app allow surveyors to conduct digital inspections, and one of the key features of the application is that the mobile app communicates with web application
  3. Digital Survey Management reduces manhour spent in planning, allocation, conduct and report generation.
  4. Vessel tracking and survey allocation to ground surveyor using online dashboard
  5. Various report formats are generated digitally once all data is synced to the cloud server
  6. Secure Data Repository feeds into AI driven key visualization displayed on user interface

Still want to know more about Cyber Smart. Request a demo at:


Deepthi Bennan & Richa Dutt Nandan

Marketing Managers,

Cyberwaves B.V. & Varuna Marine B.V

Cybersecurity in 2021

Due to pandemic, cyberattacks are becoming common. The absence of a network perimeter in this new world accelerated the adoption of SASE (secure access service edge), zero trusts, and XDR (expanded identification and reaction) to guarantee remote clients and their information is ensured.

Keep reading to know more about cybersecurity in 2021. Cyber security experts predict there will be a cyberattack every 11 seconds, which is four times the rate of five years. Cyberattacks are not only increasing, the companies are also costing large financial losses.

History of Cyber Crimes

In the beginning 1970’s, the malicious link was the first document hacking when early computerized phones became the target. The techies called “ Pherakers”, who were the first hackers, discovered that the telephone system in America functioned on the basis of certain tones and tones that would result in free long distance service.

Top 8 Biggest Cyber Attacks in History

Common Types of Cyber Crimes

  1. Web attacks
  2. Malware
  3. Ransomware
  4. Password attacks
  5. Trojan Horse
  6. Insider threats
  7. Teardrop attacks
  8. Ping to the death attacks
  9. SQL injection
  10. AI powered attacks
  11. DDoS attacks
  12. PuP’s
  13. Eavesdropping Attacks
  14. Man in Middle attacks
  15. Drive by attacks
  16. Phishing attacks
  17. Spear phishing attacks
  18. Whale phishing attacks
  19. Cross Site scripting
  20. Brute force and Dictionary Network Attacks
  21. Cyberstalking
  22.  Illegal/Prohibited content

Top Industries which affect in 2021

The industries most vulnerable to cyber attacks:

  • Small businesses
  • Healthcare institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Energy companies
  • Higher education facilities
  • Information and technology complained
  • Maritime Industry

How to prevent cyber crimes in 2021?

“Precaution is better than cure.”

Prevention is more important in this case, so we are explaining the prevention of cyberattacks.

1. Common ways to prevent cyber attacks

  • Install spam filter and anti-malware software
  • Develop cybersecurity policies
  • Implement cybersecurity awareness training
  • Deploy next-generation firewalls
  • Install Endpoint detection and response (EDR)

2. Advanced protection

  • Perform A Successful Network Security Vulnerability Assessment
  • Conduct Different Types Of Penetration Testing
  • Create a data loss prevention program
  • Implement SIEM (Security Information and event management) Solution
  • Bring intrusion detection & prevent software (IDS and IPS)

We can help with prevention, mail us at

Next Articles: Maritime Technical Surveys: Problem VS Solutions


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.

Puzzle of web developing continuous

(Part 2)

As we discussed earlier, websites are a tricky one these days for business. Websites need attention once a year, updated websites play a key role for business. Some of the main requirements of the new website we can’t skip are as follows: 

  1. Domain name

Domain name is the url of website, with extension ending in different types like .com (global), .org, .store, every country have its on extension like .nl (netherlands), .in (india), .ae(arab emirati) etc. Domains are the most important part of a website development which cannot skip.

2. Hosting space

 Hosting space is the space where all codes, templates, contents are store. Like domain, hosting is also non-skippable part in website development.

3. Template

Some developers design their own templates using codes, some are available to use in free and paid versions. Templates which we download from third-party sites can be edited according to our point of view.

4. Content (non copied)

Contents are another most important for website development. We need to develop our own text content and use our own photos and videos or free copyright photos and videos.

5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO – Search Engine Optimization, the process to bring our website to the topmost search result. It has some key points to pay attention to, like meta description, title tag, etc.

6. Social media accounts links

Social media accounts links need to attach to our website always, it will help customers to visit directly on the website and can follow and see our activities on social media. Customers can follow official social media accounts, not fakes.

7. Contact details

If we provide our contact details, customers can make a quick call or mail for their queries and concerns.

8. SSL certificate

SSL certificate is a digital certificate that provides authentication and enables an encrypted connection for our website.

Next Article: Cybersecurity in 2021


Deepthi Bennan

​Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.

Microsoft 365: Benefits Defined

(Part 2)

We already talked about Microsoft 365 and the difference between Microsoft 365 and Office 365? Microsoft 365 is delivering different plans which are apt for your business. All we need to do is choose the correct plan for our business.

  1. Easy to work from anywhere in the world


Users approach the most latest business software constantly, across all their devices, particularly with the new Windows 10 Virtual Desktop. The new Office Mobile application makes telecommuting simpler than any time in the recent pandemic, you can safely get to files, communicate, and work together from any place and on any device.

Administrative work can be to a great extent with Microsoft Forms, Teams, and SharePoint and daily repetitive assignments can be automated with Power Automate to boost the Microsoft 365 advantages.

2. Management Benefits


The Cloud entry can be gotten from anywhere on any device making the management quick and simple. Microsoft Forms permits the management to make reviews and surveys to acquire business experiences while the email and calendaring abilities ensure everybody is in the perfect place at the perfect time.

The Microsoft 365 Security Center implies that security can be observed and dealt with across one place.

3. Security is more important


Microsoft 365 gives organizations consolation that their employees are enabled to work productively using the most recent business software but additionally that the business data is secure and protected. The security features inside Microsoft 365 are useful for organizations accomplishing ISO 27001 and GDPR Compliance.

The new AI abilities offer knowledge in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and then some, helping your business run more productively and viably.


Deepthi Bennan

​Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.